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There are many ways to learn this method.  You can join my weekly online class, "Feldenkrais Mondays".  Just email me and I will send you a zoom invitation.  I offer live, in person classes when I am in Orkney, Vienna or Tiruvanamalai.  You can use the recordings on the site and study on your own.  We can meet in person or have a call to discuss what would be most beneficial for you at this time.


Feldenkrais Mondays

A weekly, online Awareness through Movement class

at 12.00 Vienna time


Drop in and out of class as you wish

email: to receive an invitation


Individual Functional Integration lessons (FI) by appointment

Study one theme more intensively in a workshop.  There are four previous workshops available on the website.  If you wish to purchase these, please let me know.

Contact me
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