Movement matters
About my Feldenkrais journey
Learning how and why people find this work is always intriguing.
Applying the work to how you live your life is a proces.
Here is a bit of my own journey.
Studying Feldenkrais gives me the opportunity to reconnect with myself and my learning in totally unexpected ways. The act of taking a walk, for example, becomes constant and enjoyable research into the way I move myself through the environment.
This deceptively simple idea is at the core of Feldenkrais’s teaching; if you are not aware of how you are doing what you are doing, then you miss out on a complete experience.
Playing a musical phrase, I focus not only on the way each note is executed, but on the quality of the spaces between them and how I approach that. This approach has opened up a larger universe of possibility for everything I do. I have more choice in how I approach all my actions, I can decide how to move myself within new situations and I can pay attention to the quality of interactions I involve myself with.
This has undoubtedly increased my quality of life. I hope that it can contribute to a richer quality of life for the community where I work.